Monday, March 7, 2011

cat time

Hemingway cats, or polydactyl cats are cats that are born with extra toes. some of them have up to 7 toes on each paw. polydactyl being the scientific name, poly meaning multiple, and dactyl meaning finger. most cats have 18 toes polydactyl cats can have up to 28! they are commonly called Hemingway cats though because Nobel Prize winner Earnest Hemingway had an affinity for these cats and his house now belongs to 50 of his cats, or probably actually his cats descendants by now.
i think they are adorable, some people are weirded out by them.
what's your opinion?


  1. cats are always cute.

    5 or 10 toes...who cares?

  2. they look pretty normal, it would take a close inspection to tell.

    pretty awesome blog though, now following :D

  3. Cat in the picture is cute! Though I have to admit I'm more of a dog person.

  4. Love cats :D Who doesn't though heh.

  5. Are they disabled in any way due to the extra toes? That would be a shame :/

  6. that's a good question justin. no they aren't. in fact they are actually more agile and much better at climbing. that is why many sailors and stuff preferred polydactyl cats

  7. Wow, that's just insane 28 toes?! that must look a bit weird ;o.

  8. That's crazy.
    The kitten in the picture is awesome no matter how many extra toes he has.

  9. what a cute kitty. I would still like it with the extra toes
